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* - Vegetarian
Gustosa fries served with gustosa sauce and ketchupSAR १à¥à¥«.००. SAR
Crispy fried potato served with gustosa sauceSAR २३५.००. SAR
Gustosa fries, cheese with oinion, tomato and capsicumSAR २५५.००. SAR
Lightly fried basa fillet served with gustosa sauceSAR २८०.००. SAR
Traditional style fried chicken with Nepali sauceSAR २२०.००. SAR
Lightly fried chicken wings served with gustosa sauce SAR ३००.००. SAR
Spicy chicken wings served with gustosa sauceSAR २८०.००. SAR
Chicken wings tossed in garlic , parsley, chili flakes & parmesan cheeseSAR ३२०.००. SAR
Marinated chicken breast served with roasted garlic sauceSAR ३४०.००. SAR
Crispy fried marinated pork served with gustosa hot sauceSAR २९५.००. SAR
SAR १९५.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR २३०.००. SAR
SAR २५५.००. SAR
SAR २६०.००. SAR
SAR ३००.००. SAR
SAR ४५०.००. SAR
SAR १२०.००. SAR
SAR १००.००. SAR
SAR १५०.००. SAR
Classic creamy chicken soupSAR २à¥à¥«.००. SAR
Classic Italian vegetable soupSAR २५०.००. SAR
Romaine lettuce, basil, cherry tomatoes topped with feta cheeseSAR २à¥à¥«.००. SAR
Roasted chicken supreme with green lettuce, cherry tomatoes and honey mustard dressingSAR ३१५.००. SAR
Spaghetti pasta with garlic , chilly flakes and olive oilSAR ३००.००. SAR
Penne pasta, chili flakes in tomato sauceSAR ३२५.००. SAR
Penne pasta with chicken in creamy wine sauceSAR ३६०.००. SAR
Spaghetti pasta , egg yolks, bacon cooked in creamy sauceSAR ३८०.००. SAR
Burgers & Sandwich
Gustosa veg patties, cheese served with gustosa salad & friesSAR २४०.००. SAR
Tomato , cucumber , cheese served with gustosa salad and friesSAR २२०.००. SAR
Crispy bacon, green lettuce, tomato served with gustosa friesSAR २९०.००. SAR
Chicken patties, caramelized onion, tomato, cheddar cheese served with gustosa fries and sauceSAR ३००.००. SAR
Shredded chicken, tomato,lettuce, cheese served with gustosa friesSAR २८०.००. SAR
Shredded chicken, gustosa bbq sauce served with gustosa fries and saladSAR ३००.००. SAR
Smoked ham, cheddar cheese served with gustosa fries and sauceSAR ३३०.००. SAR
Slowly cooked pork shoulder with gustosa bbq sauce serve with gustosa coleslawSAR ३८०.००. SAR
Main Course
Grilled egg plants, arboria rice with marina sauce SAR ३९५.००. SAR
Griled basa fish, steam veg, served with herb white wine sauceSAR ४३५.००. SAR
Herb marinated chicken, spin dip with baby potato and cherry tomatoSAR ४२०.००. SAR
Pork chop, sauteed veg, spaghetti served with gustosa classic mushroom sauceSAR ४८०.००. SAR
Maple glaze pork chop served with herb potato and sauteed vegetableSAR ४८०.००. SAR
Marinated chicken breast, steam beg served with gustosa rosemary sauceSAR ४५५.००. SAR
Gustosa Rice Platter
SAR ४५०.००. SAR
SAR ४५०.००. SAR
SAR ४५०.००. SAR
SAR ४५०.००. SAR
Gustosa Bean
SAR ११०.००. SAR
SAR १२०.००. SAR
SAR ११०.००. SAR
SAR २५.००. SAR
SAR १३०.००. SAR
SAR १५०.००. SAR
SAR १२५.००. SAR
SAR १६०.००. SAR
SAR १८५.००. SAR
SAR १६५.००. SAR
SAR १८५.००. SAR
Coffee Alternatives
SAR ६०.००. SAR
SAR १२०.००. SAR
SAR १४०.००. SAR
SAR ९०.००. SAR
SAR १३०.००. SAR
Ice/Blended Espresso
SAR १३५.००. SAR
SAR १४५.००. SAR
SAR १५५.००. SAR
SAR १५५.००. SAR
SAR १६५.००. SAR
SAR १४५.००. SAR
SAR १४५.००. SAR
Alcoholic Coffee
SAR ४००.००. SAR
SAR ४१०.००. SAR
SAR १९०.००. SAR
SAR १९०.००. SAR
SAR १९०.००. SAR
SAR २२०.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
Chilled Beverages
SAR १२०.००. SAR
SAR १८५.००. SAR
SAR १५५.००. SAR
SAR १à¥à¥¦.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR १५०.००. SAR
SAR १००.००. SAR
SAR १५०.००. SAR
SAR ८०.००. SAR
SAR १००.००. SAR
SAR ३४५.००. SAR
SAR १६५.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR ३००.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR २००.००. SAR
SAR ३००.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३४०.००. SAR
SAR ५००.००. SAR
SAR ३४०.००. SAR
SAR ३४०.००. SAR
SAR ३००.००. SAR
SAR ३९०.००. SAR
SAR ३à¥à¥¦.००. SAR
SAR ३६०.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३५५.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३००.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR २५०.००. SAR
SAR १८०.००. SAR
SAR ४१०.००. SAR
SAR ३८०.००. SAR
SAR ४००.००. SAR
SAR ४५०.००. SAR
SAR ३९०.००. SAR
SAR ४१०.००. SAR
SAR ४१०.००. SAR
Single Malt Whisky/Vodka
SAR ४१०.००. SAR
SAR ०.००. SAR
SAR १२५.००. SAR
SAR ०.००. SAR
Gin / Wine
SAR १००.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३५०.००. SAR
SAR ३८०.००. SAR
Rum / Shooters
SAR १५०.००. SAR
SAR २००.००. SAR
SAR ३१०.००. SAR
SAR ३२५.००. SAR
SAR ५१०.००. SAR
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